Innovative styles and technology are the secrets to the success of Bormioli Rocco. The Bomioli Rocco solutions are available in a wide array of styles: from casual to sophisticated, from vintage to contemporary, to satisfy every need with the right proposal.

Order codes:

BR5.10960 A GINA – FRANCE / JUICE 22.2cl (48) H130mm W58mm
BR5.10130 B GINA – HIGH BALL H28 28.7cl (48) H142mm W62mm
BR5.10970 C GINA – FB30 DOF 30.8cl (48) H97mm W77mm
BR5.10980 D GINA – FH33 COOLER 33.5cl (48) H160mm W62mm
BR5.12080 GINA – FH33 COOLER 24.3cl


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